Warning: Declaration of CachedTemplate::fetch($cacheId) should be compatible with Template::fetch($resource_name = NULL, $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $display = false) in /home/blaogycom/public_html/class/template/cachedtemplate.class.php on line 41

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Retour Vers le Futur | rafozan-doza |

Retour Vers le Futur

Published on 07/13,2010


Tadidinareo ve ity?

Tsy haiko fa tato ho ato ah otran'ny mahatsiarotsiaro na hoe miverina ato andohako be ny tany @ 10 taona lasa tany...  eee antitra ihany letia ee looooollll

Bolongana rapida ity fa hamaranako azy dia ity ary misy tagy kely  ze te hanao. Samia milaza ny hira tena tsaroany na hoe tsy afaka ambava na hoe nanamarika be anao,  t@  10 taona mahery tany... dia mba tantaraina ra misy azo tantaraina na hoe anecdote kely tsy tena personelle be... Tsy voatery fa ze mazoto ee (remember, bloggin is about narcisism if u're the blogger and gettin to know what they don't want you to know if u're the reader  )

Nena bedabe fa hosinganiko manokana le hoe Truly madly deeply an'i Savage Garden. Mpandeha t@ OTV moa sa TVPlus t@ izany andro izany... indray alahady hariva nande talohan'le dessin anime hoe Mulan (funny part misy an'le hoe: une fille m'attend depuis bientot 40 ans,, >>depuis tt ce tps elle n'a surement plus de dents ) ... dia nisy nanotany tany ampianarana ny ampitso...

Ny antony nitenenako azy dia nohainoko io zany dia nisy nanotany hoe in ny henoin'la ?... eo mba henoiko... afaka fotoana fohy: soooooooooooo 1999!!
Saina tonga... hay tokoa moa... voatoraka hoazy ity bolongana ity ^:^

C'est la vie!!


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