It's 32 bit color now... black & white ship has sailed in 1960...
hell no... tsia an!!!!!!!
ra8, honoris causa, tia tena... obsolete, hopeless...
tgv, BSc, rotaka major... disgrace, useless...
Ratsirahonana & AVI was the man... was...
a-seza nasionaly...
hidden agenda...
Jesus was hitting on a samaritan chic...
the pope says no...
John 5:27: ary nomena fahefana hitsara izy, satria zanak'olona... odoie... odon-ie...
amin'ny anaran'i jesosy...
manompo simp...
A quel sein se vouer?
broken... tortured...
Tant pis...
so let's more and more... this jungle country...
who gives a sh.t?
dia izay sisa...
c'est la vie!!
for all the wrong reasons...
a chacun son histoire...
be it as it may...
mba rahoviana ihany...
je le dis quand meme...
a vision... bright and shiny... future... lovely... peaceful... island...
aoka izay...
satria... efa fantatrao angamba...
we need to talk...
satria... je l'aime a mourir...
we belong together...
satria... malagasy anie ianao...
for eternity...
ps: okay, so I love my country. Does it hurt if it sounds gay? comments are off :b:b:b